Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Sweet Pete!

After having been stuck at home for almost two weeks with sick kids and being sick myself, my wonderful husband suggested that I take some time for myself and go to the spa. Fabulous idea! Yesterday morning Peter was off after having worked all weekend so he hung out with the girls and I headed to the Sanctuary Day Spa for a little r & r. A massage sounded heavenly but a haircut was necessary so I went with the haircut and a pedicure of course. (I have always had cute toes close to baby due dates and have always ended up wearing socks during delivery. I will have to remember this time to leave my socks off.)

Sorry about the foot shot but I had to show off the toes. Plus I am excited that my feet haven't gotten too swollen yet.

Here's the new do. Not drastically different from before. A bit shorter and thinned out a lot. The best part about it was that the spa used Aveda products (my favorite) so my hair smelled and felt amazing.
(And a little belly shot for Torrie)
After I was done at the spa I picked up some lunch from Chick-fil-a, another of my favorites, and headed home. Peter had bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers while I was out and had them sitting on the kitchen table. I am so lucky to have him, he is a wonderful husband.
Finally to top the day off, a friend from church brought us a delicious dinner complete with the most divine mint brownies. Thanks Carrie! I couldn't have asked for a better day.


Platteborze Possy said...

You look so cute and so tiny!!! You are another friend I can be jealous of because I know that as soon as you deliver you'll be back into your normal clothes!
What a great husband... I could really use a spa day. I'll have to share this post with Brett...hee hee!

Anonymous said...

You do look SO cute and tiny!!! That was so nice of Pete...what a good husband. And they used your fave products! You love Aveda (I love this about you!)

So glad you had a great day...and show off those toes at the hospital!

Holly Strong said...

What a good hubby!!! I love our cute belly. I'm sure I'll miss seeing it more than you will.

Carrie said...

Holly is funny! I think she meant to say "I love YOUR cute belly". :)

You earned that dinner woman! I can't believe you are pregnant and your whole family had the flu. do you sometimes wonder "what am I supposed to learn from this?" I think that all the time when I'm miserable. Sam says I'm supposed to learn compassion, which is totally true because I'm not naturally compassionate!

Glad you liked the brownies. They are a favorite of Sam's. In fact, I think he has eaten them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. No surprise that I'm not compassionate towards him when he complains of a gut ache!

Amy said...

I am so jealous! I love your haircut! You truly deserved this getaway!!

laura said...

LOVE the toe color and the hair!

there's nothing better than getting a pedicure when you're pregnant!

Torrie said...

you know i'm a huge fan of a good pedi!
and thanks for the pics.! i wish i was tiny when i am pregnant!
if you need some AVEDA let me know and i'll send it to you {remember- i get it at cost- no mark up!} love ya!
i really want to come see you!
and as always, i see you have a clean kitchen!
ahhh, i wish i was you.

The Airharts said...

Seriously-I dont know if my husband even knows what a spa is! Lucky girl you! I might have to leave your blog up around the husband so he "happens" to read this post.

Paige said...

Mindy, you were supposed to show a picture of your belly, not a basketball. You look great! Is this your best pregnancy yet? Makes you want to have 4 more?

That is the most fabulous day, glad it came to you.

kelly said...

i was just thinking you look exactly like you stuffed a basketball up your shirt!
you look awesome and love your hair!
lucky you to have a sweet husband...

The Buckley's said...

Oh my goodness he gets the husband of the year award!!! And Carrie gets the best friend award! You are so cute. We miss seeing you around. Cute toes and hair!!!

Unknown said...

Nice!!! Every pregnant women deserves a day like that! And your feet don't look swollen at all - how nice!

curly girl said...

I was going to ask you to please remove the basketball and quit pretending you're pregnant, but I see that Paige and Kelly have already beat me to that request! You look great!

Anonymous said...

I'm nobody you know - just cruising around looking at fun blogs. I just wanted to compliment you on your very pretty feet. If I was king of the world, ladies like you would required to wear open-toe shoes all the time.