Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Ayva has a fit

So I have been a mom now for over 3 years and in that time I have never experienced the public humiliation that Ayva put me through today. I have seen it happen to other parents and heard friends talk about their children doing it but somehow I was always able to avoid it. But today I lived it and am really surprised that we both lived through it.
We were waiting in the check out lane at the grocery store. Ayva was sitting in the front seat of the cart and reached over and grabbed a package of crackers of the shelf. I didn't want to buy them or have her crush them and then put them back so I took them out of her hand and put them away. This caused Ayva to go into a screaming crying fit that lasted what seemed like 20 minutes atleast. Nothing I did to try and console her worked, she just screamed and screamed and screamed. I looked up from the madness to see that everyone in the store was staring at me waiting for me to do some magic mother trick and get her to shut up but I didn't know what to do except just smile and pretend like it wasn't bothering me. After a few minutes I took her out of the cart to hold her thinking that maybe that would help. As soon as I lifted her out into my arms she smacked me across the face. Ahhhhhh! So I put her down and she continued to scream the whole time we checked out, walked out of the store and got into the car. Then on the way home she fell asleep and left me to wallow in my humble pie. Kids?!


Holly Strong said...

AHHHH, welcome to my world. If one's not crying the other is. :) I just smile and trudge on. Actually, lately I've been going to the store when Davis gets home. MUCH nicer!! So when are you going to post more pictures of your cute girls?!?!?

Anonymous said...

That is my worst fear! I know its bound to happen as soon as he can talk and reach for things! You handled it great!!! -M

kelly said...

that is the best character building exercise;
feigning calm indifference in the midst of a screaming tantrum,
when really you're sweating bullets and suffering a migraine.

Paige said...

So I have a story to one-up yours that happened to me last week. I won't go into details but it involves two kids, both wailing, and the library. I'd like to tell you it won't happen to you again but I'd be wrong.