Saturday, November 18, 2006

You've got to be kidding me...

So after living in apartments with white walls pretty much my my whole life (minus the time we were in Peter's sisters wonderful house), I am ready for some color. Unfortunately it turns out I don't know how to pick the right color. Bella's room was our big project today. I wanted it to be the same color as it was when we were in Emily and Todd's house. It was this great soft green that went really well with soft pink accents. But instead the color I picked turned out to be more of a fluorescent green that makes the whole room glow like some sort of radioactive waste. Ugh!!! Any suggestions on how to fix this? Do I need to prime and start all over with another color or can I put another color on over this one to soften it and tone it down a bit? Painting sure isn't as fun as I imagined it to be.


kelly said...

just paint over it.
it should be fine.
do you know the name of the other paint?

mindy said...

I still haven't found the replacement color but I know I want something lighter. If I just paint over without priming first will the first color affect how the second color comes out?

Paige said...

Should I be offended that this looks like the color of Laine's room and you think it is gross?

mindy said...

Believe me it is much brighter than Laine's room. It is like we have a neon sign hanging in there or something.

Emily Colasurdo said...

the color at the little house was a disney color from home depot -- behr brand -- called christopher robin -- i did the ceiling in the matching lighter color and the green on the walls. you shouldn't have to re-prime the walls, just do two coats of the new color to avoid any bleed through of the original color. happy painting! :)

Emily Colasurdo said...
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