Friday, March 09, 2007


Yesterday afternoon Peter and Isabella were out back enjoying the beautiful weather we were having by playing a fun game of soccer. Peter gave the ball a kick and they both ran after it quickly trying to be the one to get the next turn. The ball came to a stop when it reached the short brick wall that extends around our backyard creating an upper level for plants. As Bella ran towards the ball she tripped and fell hitting her head on the brick wall. Peter brought her in the house, blood running down her face and did a great job of getting her to calm down and stop crying. He checked her out and decided to take her into the pediatricians office and let them decide if she needed stitches. She did. She actually got three little stitches in her forehead and was very brave during all of it.


Ang said...

Oohh! Poor Bella! I've never had stitches before, and I'm sure it's not fun to get them in your HEAD! She's a brave one.

Ang said...

Also, so you know, I just changed the name of my blog. I know its paranoid, but I didn't like that my last name is out there. So now it's, if you want to change your settings.

Paige said...

Yikes! I'm glad you had the PA around to clean up the blood and be medical about it. Is Pete proud? Her first soccer scars!

kelly said...

thank goodness peter was there!
i would have been freakin!
poor bella...

Anonymous said...

Ah...I'm sorry to hear Bella got hurt, and stitches to boot. I'm not surprised she was brave, she's an amazing little girl. :)

Holly Strong said...

Oh wow!!! Poor Bella! I hope it heals nicely and she doesn't have a scar. What an icky accident.