Thursday, March 15, 2007

A beautiful day!

It has been beautiful here in Salt Lake City the past week or so. The tulips are starting to come up in our backyard and the birds are starting to chirp around 6am. We have been enjoying the longer days by going for walks after dinner and the girls have enjoyed being able to stay up a little later.

So yesterday when Peter had the day off we decided to head up Emigration Canyon for some delicious breakfast at Ruth's Diner and then we went to the zoo. Ruth's Diner is so yummy and we highly recommend it for anyone who lives in Salt Lake or comes for a visit. The girls love their teddy bear pancakes and for Peter and I, it is their omelette's that we love.

It has been about eight years since I have been to Hogle Zoo and I was nervous that it was going to be the same as it was back then, very cement, unnatural and outdated. However they have made some significant improvements. They have created a larger outdoor area for the elephants complete with a bubbling water hole. The cats are out of their concrete enclosures and are outdoors in a more woodsy area. It is still very small but we had a good time strolling around with the girls.

Here is a great shot of the rhino's. And below is a good one of a very interested giraffe.

We ended our beautiful day with some play in the back yard and even some BBQ'd hamburgers on the grill. Oh, and of course an intense episode of LOST. (such a frustrating, but can't stop watching, show!)


Torrie said...

That zoo looks awesome! I never get that great of pictures at the zoo! The animals are always looking away.And your hair is getting long! You guys really took advantage of the beautiful day! Way to go!

Holly Strong said...

COOL MINDY!!!! We love the zoo. I just don't get a chance to go as often as I'd like. :) I love the idea of going out to breakfast...where is Ruth's diner?

You'll have to come over to the park one night. If you let us know, we'll come over and play with you guys. I have been so tempted to barbeque...I guess I need to head to the store. :)


Anonymous said...

I love Ruth's diner! Oh my its yummmmmyyyy!!! There pancakes are delicious.

I'm excited for some nice weather!

Paige said...

What a cute little family. Your life sounds perfect. And you were worried about moving to Utah. How about next time I'm in the state we plan a date to Ruth's.

I thought this episode of Lost was great -- what crazy connections, Clair and Jack are siblings?!? I keep meaning to call you on Thursday mornings to talk Lost.

Anonymous said...

I watched a couple of episodes of Lost but I think I decided I didnt want to get sucked in- its hard enough to keep track of the shows I already watch! My sister in law says you can download every show off of the internet so thats how she watches it without cable.
I love the picture of the pancake even, you guys look so great...what a fun set of memories to be able to tap into every time you see them. Thanks for sharing.

Lauren said...

I agree with Torrie...those are great pictures!