Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Surprise, it's Jack Johnson

Last night Peter surprised me with tickets to the Jack Johnson concert at the Usana Amphitheater. I was totally shocked. He secretly arranged for babysitting and even missed his soccer game to take me to the show. I had never been to the Usana Amphitheater before and didn't know that it was so close to our house. So as we were driving there he had me thinking we were going on some sort of mine tour out near Kennecott. (Boring) Luckily it was all an act to throw me off and keep it a surprise as long as possible. To make things even better the tickets were for the area right at the front of the stage so we were just about 20 feet from where Jack was standing. We had a perfect view and Jack Johnson definitely didn't disappoint. He sounded great and was very entertaining. He even let one of his band members, Zach Hill who plays the piano and a multitude of other instruments, steal the show. He sang The Devil went down to Bolivia while playing the accordion and it was awesome. I think he got the loudest applause of the night. I had a wonderful time and am grateful to Peter for making it possible. Thanks hon!

In other news...I had a celebrity sighting this weekend. Saturday afternoon I took Bella school clothes shopping over at a large shopping complex near our house. As we were walking into one of the stores a car pulled up next to us and a woman asked if there was a movie theater near by. I pointed her in the direction she needed to go and then realized it was Marie Osmond. Pretty cool, huh?! I remained cool and unimpressed until she drove away and then I started saying to myself over and over out loud, "that was Marie Osmond, that was Marie Osmond."


laura said...

two osmond sightings in the last year! crazy!

what an awesome husband you have! glad you had a great time!

Torrie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Torrie said...

sorry that's my deleted comment- i need spell check built in!
anyway- i am totally jealous!
you made him sound awesome!
don't you just love it when husbands pull off big surprises?
lucky you!!

Paige said...

Peter wins best husband prize! How great for him to keep it a secret for so long. Sounds like it was a great concert.

I was hoping you had a Lindsey Lohan sighting, but Marie is still good. I was just in Vegas and California and didn't see anyone famous. Was she as skinny as in the weight-loss commercials?

Anonymous said...

So jealous! I love Jack or 'Uncle Jack' as we refer to him around our house. I'm definately going to make sure Will hears about what an awesome surprise Pete came up with.
Love to all - give a big hug and kiss to each of those beautiful girls from auntie Abby!!

Anonymous said...

How fun! I too am way jealous...I bet he was so good.

And a Marie sighting and!

kelly said...

i love jack johnson!
lucky girl!