Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Bella has entered into the most dreadful phase of her childhood thus far, the "why" phase. She asks me why a million times a day and mostly about very unimportant things. "Why is the street closed mom?" "Why did they tear it up?" "Why are they putting in new pipes?" These are just a few examples from today that came about as we had to take a detour to the park. It is driving me nuts!!! When will it end?
Another frustration I am having right now is our diseased quaking aspens. When we first looked at this house it was the backyard that we immediately fell in love with. It is a decent size and is lined with quaking aspens along the south and west fences. These gorgeous trees create privacy and give us a fabulous sense of being in the forest when we are out back playing, not to mention the great shade they offer which keeps it cool. Well now at least two of the trees are diseased and dying and whatever they have is spreading to the others. We are having a tree expert come out tomorrow to give us some advice on tearing them out or trying to treat them. I will definitely shed some tears if we have to tear to many of them out.
In other news, I have a job interview on Friday. I have applied for a part time position at the credit union I worked at many years ago before moving to Washington. I would be working at the corporate offices doing research on discrepancies in members accounts. The hours and location would be perfect and it would help us get ahead on all the student loans we have accumulated. The real bonus is it would be 4 hours out of the day when my parents (they are going to watch the girls for me) could answer all of Bella's "why" questions instead of me. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
That's it for now. Thanks for checking in.


Lauren said...

Good luck with the exciting for you!

Torrie said...

wow! way super cool! you'll get to get dressed every day, talk to adults, have a 10min. break at work, i think i'm turning green with envy. plus the extra bonus is that i love having my own
paycheck(s) {even if they are only going to lawyer fees.}:)
good luck! i know you'll do great!!!!

Carrie said...

When Bella asks "Why" just bounce it back to her and say "That's a good question. What do you think?" This is a great tool for every situation! You can use it in Sunday School, at work, with family and friends...... try it! :)

As for your trees: I have aspens that are doing the same slow death. Let me know what your tree guy says because I'm trying to decide what to do over here on Ticklegrass Rd!

GOOD LUCK with the interview! Which bank is it? I secretly enjoy it when I have to go into the office, it's a nice break from the daily routine of the little ones and their constant cries of "MOM" and "WHY???"

Paige said...

Good luck. I'm sure they'll be happy to have you back. (ps - I think you're really doing this so you have an excuse to buy new clothes.) ;)

kelly said...

isn't it funny how difficult some of those random questions are to answer?
good luck with the interview...

Anonymous said...

I worry for the "why Mom" days, since I don't know if I'll have all the answers...

BEST of luck with the interview. I secretly miss working a smidge. Shhh...