Sunday, June 24, 2007

Losing my little girls locks.

Yesterday Isabella got her first haircut. It was a decision she came to all on her own. She has never liked having her hair combed and more times than not she ends up in tears as I try to get the days snarls out. Finally one day a few weeks ago she said, "Mom, I want to cut my hair short." I am ashamed to say that I truly agonized over whether or not I wanted to let her get a haircut. I was afraid that she would lose her precious blond curls forever and something about that made it a reality that she is growing up.

Here is her before picture.
Here are the precious blond curls that I stared at with a heavy heart.
And here is her adorable after picture.
It is true that the beautiful, golden curls that I use to spiral around my fingers as we watched TV together or read books together are now gone. But Isabella is still my sweet, darling little girl with a smile that lights up my day and gorgeous hair to match.


kelly said...

she looks so grown up!
and absolutely gorgeous {still}!
i still find it hard when my girls get their haircut.
it's part of the "letting go" process.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bella, she is always beautiful. I bet you were sad to see those curls go, but she still looks so darling.

How grown up she decided on her own to get her haircut!

Paige said...

She is really cute with short hair too! Can't wait to see the cut in person. Such a little lady.

Lauren said...

Oh my cute! She looks a lot like you in that picture! How fun!

Torrie said...

You are so brave mindy! Anything that makes my kids a little more grown up i have a really hard time with! I'm sure Bella will love not having to deal with all the knots in her hair in the morning!
She looks so so cute, as always!

Anonymous said...

what a sweet baby girl..I hated cutting Mallory's hair when we did, I still miss her long hair..but I sure don't miss the screaming bouts every time I brushed it :)

Holly Strong said...

OH MY MINDY!!!! I'm so sad that you cut her hair. BUT she looks DARLING!! So grown up and cute as can be. I can't wait to see her. She looks so grown up.