Monday, September 22, 2008

It's like travelling by ox and wagon

We have recently changed our Internet back to a dial up connection and it has been painful. We have decided to tighten our belts in an attempt to pay off some bills and increase our savings and one of the things we decided to do was to get rid of our cable tv and our cable modem. It has been challenging going back to a slow, really slow, connection and I can barely stand waiting for just one picture to upload from the camera so forgive me if the posts don't include tons of cute pictures (or any pictures for that matter) of my adorable kids. I am happy to report that they are all healthy and happy. Bella is loving school and has been working on trying to make one of the mean kids in her class feel better about himself so he'll be a little nicer. She is such a sweet kid. Ayva misses having Bella around to play with in the mornings but loves being able to choose which shows she watches while I do my morning routine. She has also decided that she loves Lilly and is happy to entertain her with her silly antics. Lilly is getting so big. She has found her toes and can even get them into her mouth. She has started eating solids and so far loves bananas and carrots. She drools like a teenager having a 2nd period American History nap but I still love her.
Thanks for continuing to check back in with me even though my posts have been few and far between. I'll get better at this blogging business eventually.

p.s. A little joke I heard recently...What do you call it when you throw a cat out of a car window?...kitty litter...hahahahaha


Toni said...

I am sorry for your loss of speed, I don't think that I could do it, but I can relate to the whole tightening the belt. ps, great job on your lessons, you rock

Torrie said...

i can see you liking that joke seeing as though you don't like cats after working for that vet clinic!
i love that bella is trying to help another child out, that is so like her...sweet and kind.
ayva deciding to like lilly was cute! i wonder if shilo will like the baby at first then change her mind..?
and where do you come up with your funny little antics about a teenager drooling? way to clever for me!
will you try to post some pictures every once in a while? you have just the most beautiful girls, and when you don't get to see them very often, you look forward to the pictures:)
and just remember- this whole slow internet thing will pass and your look back and laugh about it!

kelly said...

what a sweet bella!
and what a pain about the interet speed...
we missed you lots in HI.

Ambyr said...

I know how you feel about the cable. Nathan and I have just the basic channels so I feel your pain. Austih doesn't know who Dora or Spounge Bob are! Your girls are so sweet! By the way, I'm not some crazy stalker, I got your Blog from Carrie Sweet! Feel free to visit mine!

Lauren said...

I love the comment about 2 period American History drool...I always got the best drool flowing in 1st period Geometry. I was so tired after waking up at 5 am for Seminary and math was soooo boring!:)