Thursday, January 10, 2008

I just need to get a little out of my system.

My one and only resolution for this year is to be happier and more optimistic. I felt that was a simple enough goal that could be affected by the reaching (or not reaching) of the many other goals I have for myself. And for the most part things are going great. But there is one tiny thing that has been bothering me and I thought that maybe if I just took a few minutes and dumped it all out into the universe I could feel better about it and move on. So let's see if it works.
Now let me start by saying that I do understand that there are lots of women in the world who would love nothing more than to be pregnant and aren't able to and my heart does go out to them. I am not trying to take anything away from their struggles by sharing mine but boy this pregnancy stuff is rough.
Yesterday morning I was getting changed to go to the gym when Bella came into my room. I was just in my workout pants and sports bra. Bella says to me "Mom, you should be on that Biggest Loser show". Ouch!
Monday I saw the OB for a checkup and he starts off the visit by saying "alright, well you have already gained 15 lbs. so let's try to limit it to a 1/2 lb a week from here on out." Ouch!
The varicose veins that are all over my right leg. Ouch!
The sciatica. Ouch!
I won't elaborate on this one but let me just say that things are swelling more than they have ever swelled before. Ouch!
That's enough. Let's move on...

I am really stumped as far as names go. I said earlier that I liked Lola and I still do. I am just not sure how well that name will hold up as she gets older. It is cute as a baby but as a thirty year old?! I also like Hazel, and not because Julia Roberts has a daughter named Hazel, but because it has a z in it. "J" names have also been appealing to me. Names like Jade, Jacinda and Jocelyn. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

J names....mmmm. Or a Z...I'll think about this. I do love Zoe and Joaquin, but I know those aren't Italian sounding...

I'm sorry you are having a rough time. Regardless of other people's situations, that doesn't make yours any less hard to bear. So vent away.

Silly doctor. They should always say "you are gaining just the right amount..." and leave it at that.

Hang in there friend! XOXO

Torrie said...

I second everything marie said!!
So post away!
I know when I am 'prego' as we call it, in am a mess! And I will vent to anyone who will listen to me, so please, let us be here for you. We love you! I do wish that you were closer so I could feel the baby move though:)
I am glad to hear you like z names- Chastin's middle name is Zaine {after a clints son}. Did you check names on the internet? You have time so don't stress too much yet- and try to enjoy your prego days. I'm going to check some names right now in a cool unique baby name book I bought last time.
I miss you! Smile!

Holly Strong said...

Vent away!!! You are intitled to feel miserable and complain about it. As for names...hmmm, do a google and see what comes up. I like Jasmin, but you can spell it with a z Jazmin. Not a big fan of Hazel, but it doesn't matter what I like or LOVE. hahaha I'm sure it'll grow on me. Joselyn Lucia is cute! Good luck!!! You have a bit of time to figure it out.

Amy said...

I feel for you I really do. I am sorry it has been rough. Russ always tells me when I am feeling big "you are just getting baby". It helps me to know that normally I wouldn't be getting this big.
I am really struggling with the name thing right now too. I like a lot of the J names you threw out. Jade especially.
Hang in there you don't have too much longer.

Ang said...

Don't worry about the pg complaints--we all have them. And it's good to vent.

Jacinda's a cool name. Hmmm . . . other J names? I've always kind of liked the name Jenna (even though it reminds me of that girl from the first season of Survivor), and that would go well with Bella and Ayva. You know what other J name is kind of cool? I like Jovie. It was the name of the girl in Elf. Kind of a funky, spunky, happy name. Anyway, my 2 cents!

Anonymous said...

I was reading in that "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book and I'm sure it said something about your belly growing as the baby grows so it sounds like things are normal, that's got to make you feel warm all over. Plus, you have all your that's good. Hang in there for 4 more months and if you ever need a good laugh you can come watch the Elders play basketball! (except Peter, he's good)

Paige said...

You started out super-skinny with this pregnancy, I can't believe the dr told you to watch your weight. And I think Bella was just going for a reaction with that comment, little smarty.

I hope that things smooth out for the last months of your pregnancy. That is a great resolution but remember that pregnancy hormones make you cukoo so don't be too hard on yourself.

Now go drown your troubles in chocolate milk.

Paige said...

ps - why isn't Calliope on that list? And there are so many unique names now that when all these kids are older nothing will sound childish. If you love it, use it.

kelly said...

i agree with paige, go with what you love! lola is adorable!

and stop being so hard on your self. that third one feels like its going to fall out from the getgo. so much fun!

cathy said...

I love Hazel, but I had an aunt Hazel so I'm biased. Plus it's so old it's cool again. Lola's cute, but I always think of that song by the Kinks. This sounds weird, but I got lots of old-fashioned name ideas by reading the obits. Like Ruth, Mabel, Margaret (Maggie), Maxine, Dorothy, Virginia, Louise, Afton. I love those all.

Oh, and I'm with you on the, uh, swelling. Ouch.

laura said...

oh, the joys of pregnancy!

i too like the name jade.

hm...names with "z" in it, huh?



Anonymous said...

Just a note to Paige, don't let Mindy fool you...she's still very thin, even though she might not feel that way. What about Zaida, Zaira, Zandra, Zaylee...?

The Buckley's said...

Seriously the things that happen to your body when you are pregnant are unreal!! I feel for ya! Well I LOVE the name Lola! I also like Jade but I think Lola takes the cake. Oh and by the way, you are tiny and I was just looking at you in church wishing I could look that good when I was prego.

Torrie said...

I think it would be cute if you picked a C name-with an A on the end Ayva, Bella- C name.. see! cute! clara, christina, camilla, cassandra {cassy?}..
i also just heard these- they were all girls-
Reilly -my maiden name
Carson - john wanted to name shilo this, it just didn't go with mae
Chandler- although i would always think of friends for this one.
and are you going with a month middle name again too? because i think july is REALLY cute!
so there is my two cents, not that it matters what i think because you know she is going to be gorgeous!!! just like her sisters!

Unknown said...

I love the name Jocelyn!
I totally know how you feel! When I became pregnant with Zach, after having a miscarriage with my first pregnancy, I swore that I would NEVER complain about being pregnant - I would just be grateful that it happened. Yeah - that attitude lasted for about a month!!!! I complained about the same things that you're venting about, so don't feel bad at all! I hope that getting it out made you feel better! :) It's a good thing that we have sweet hubbies, huh?! And, you're a whole lot smaller than I was when I was as far along as you are now!!! You make a very cute prego lady!!

Anonymous said...

Time to update Mindy...