Monday, February 19, 2007

Our week in review

This last week was packed full of good times here at the Colasurdo house. Valentine's Day was more like Christmas this year complete with gifts, lots of sweet treats and out-of-town guests coming to stay with us. The girls were totally spoiled thanks to their wonderful Aunt Abby in Seattle and their generous grandparents in Minnesota. Thank you to them for the fun Valentine Day goodies. And thank you to our good friends the Cramers for being our first house guests and staying with us while they were here for Adam's sisters wedding. It was a lot of fun to see them and meet there new little guy, Anders.

Then on Sunday night we had our good friends, the Nilssons, come over for dinner. They were in our ward back in Seattle but moved to Utah about 3 or so years ago. They were such a support to me when Bella was born and Peter was in Kuwait. Meredith was even in with me for the delivery and John sat patiently in the waiting room ready to lend a hand if needed. (Luckily it wasn't needed, that might have been awkward) Needless to say there is a special place in my heart for them and it is nice to be able to hang out with them again.
And to top off our great week we woke up to 4-5 inches of snow on the ground this morning so we went sledding. There is a fun little park down the road from us and it has a nice size hill for small kids to enjoy sledding on. Bella loves to get out and play in the snow. Ayva is a little harder to convince but once she starts having fun she forgets all about being cold.

We did have one little bummer incident today. As we were getting all of our sledding stuff together and getting the girls into the car we accidentally locked ourselves out of the house. We made a few attempts to brake in through the windows but they were all locked. Peter even tried using a credit card to brake in through the door that leads from the house to the garage but had no luck. So instead of calling a locksmith and paying what we assumed would be a lot of money we just took a heavy brick from the back yard and used it to smash the door handle to pieces. The cost to replace it was only $9 so we felt like it was necessary destruction. Good work Pete!


Anonymous said...

That is a good week in review! How fun to see old friends (I still haven't seen Anders!), celebrate V-Day and go sledding! I sure miss you. I'm thinking I'll be heading there with Noey the weekend of the 19th of March. Will you be around? XOXO

Holly Strong said...

I love the pic of Bella's hair flying around...nice shot Mindy!!!!

Sounds like you had a fun week. We too went sledding at the park. Didn't see you, so we must've missed each other. Next time we'll call you :)