Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A rough couple of weeks

It has been a rough couple of weeks here at the Colasurdo house. Bella and I have both been sick. Bella first came down with a cold and then got a touch of the stomach flu. I had a touch of the stomach flu and now I feel the cold coming on. Ayva has had a bit of a runny nose. Amazingly Peter has been able to avoid catching any of it despite getting up in the middle of the night to clean up Bella's throw up. Tough guy!!!
We have also had a rough time with Bella and her teeth. Upon a recent visit to the dentist we found out that she has 6 cavities. This news was definitely more traumatic for me to hear than it was for her. The pediatric dentist that I had taken her to wanted to sedate her to do the work and I wasn't comfortable with that so I took her to a general dentist who felt that he could do it without sedation. We broke up the work into two visits, the first one being last week. I had Peter stay home from work and take her because I was so nervous about my decision to have her get her teeth filled without sedation that I couldn't be present if it didn't work and they caused her any pain. (I sound a little selfish here, I know) So she did great, everything went fine. They filled 3 of the 6 cavities without even having to give her nitrous oxide. So today I took her back in to get the other 3 filled and it was a completely different story. The water and sucker tools bothered her right off the bat so the dentist gave her the laughing gas and numbed up her teeth. But it didn't matter, she was too freaked out by that point and wouldn't sit still for them to do the work. The assistant asked me to help hold her still and keep her calm but as soon as Bella started crying, I started crying and had them stop. So now I have to take her back to a pediatric dentist who can sedate her and fix the other 3 teeth. Ugh!
We have had some happy things happen in the last couple of weeks as well. My new nephew, Wyatt Dean was born. He is my brother's 4th child and he is totally adorable. You can see his cute mug if you click on the Hallstrom Happenings link on my blog. Ayva has picked up a half dozen or so new words and has also learned how to sign "thank you" in sign language. And we painted our ugly ketchup and mustard colored bathroom a nice soft yellow and put in a new light fixture. (I will wait to post a picture until we finish all the updates)


Lauren said...

Too bad Adam can't be her dentist...she would have thought it was so cool that Ella's dad was her dentist that she probably would have sat still.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, what a rough couple of weeks!! I am sorry she had a hard time at the dentist. Made me feel teary-eyed thinking about her crying and you crying at the dentist.

I hope you are all feeling better. I've missed hearing from you on the ole' blog. :)

Holly Strong said...

Poor Bella AND Mommy!!! I'm so sad that it didn't go well. I can just imagine the both of you crying. :( I hope you can get the last 3 fixed and she NEVER has to do this again.


Torrie said...

Poor Bella! Shilo sure misses her friend! She talks about her everyday and says "Lets go over to Utah and play at her house."