Thursday, December 07, 2006

Take a deep breath...

Isabella finally started preschool today. In anticipation for this big event I have spent the past 2 days getting her excited about going in hopes that would decrease my chances of having to deal with her clinging to my leg and begging me not to leave her. She has always done well with going to other peoples homes in the past but she has always known someone that was there. And recently she has gone through a phase of shyness and insecurity about making new friends. In fact our first couple of Sundays in our new ward she refused to go into nursery and instead chose to sit in boring 'ol Sunday school with Peter and I. (It's not boring to me of course. Just saying that it would be boring to a 3 year old.) But today when I dropped her off she surprised me. She walked right up to her new teacher, took her hand, looked at me and said "bye mom". Just like that. No crying, no hiding behind my leg, none of it. She was so brave. I on the other hand returned to the car and had to take a deep breath so I wouldn't break out into tears. She is growing up and needing me a tiny bit less everyday. I am grateful for the time I have with her know 'cause she is a very special little kid.


Anonymous said...

That brings tears to my eyes. What an amazing little girl. She is such a little love.