So I am home sick today from church with a terrible, week long (so far), self-diagnosed cold/sinus infection. I have had one with each of my pregnancies, it is just part of the process for me. But as a lay on my bed, house totally quiet, I have been thinking about not only my weakened body but my weakened emotional state as well.
For some reason pregnancy makes women overly emotional and at times irrational. The other day as I was telling Peter how a Pottery Barn customer service rep. made me cry for 20 minutes over the exchange of some crib bedding, Peter asked "can't you control it? You know that you are just feeling this way because you are pregnant, can't you just tell yourself not to get worked up about it?" "No", I said. I knew it was completely stupid to be crying over bedding but I still could not make the tears stop. Why is that? Why does pregnancy have to make women even more emotional than we already are? Peter suggested that it was to help us develop an early bond with the baby so that when they arrive we will love them despite the sleepless nights, diaper mishaps and their possible inconsolable crying. I think he is right. If being pregnant didn't present such difficulties than I might not have as strong of a desire to ensure this possible nuisances continued existence. I may take it all for granted and be left feeling disenchanted. No way! I put in 9 months of work, and I mean work! Physical aches and pains, nausea, sinus infections, humiliating crying episodes and worry over whether or not we could raise a law abiding, hard working, self-respecting, kind to his family and neighbors, not to mention a healthy and good looking human being. (Yes, I fear having an ugly child. Judge me if you need to.) So bring it on! Bring on the crazies and the varicose veins! I will endure it all because I know from my past three experiences that it will all be worth it. Or is that just the hormones talking?
And one more thing....this made me happy last night. The girls had set up a beauty shop in Ayva's room and invited me to come and get my hair done. I sat while they combed my hair and put in a few clips. While they did this Peter watched from the back of the room. I encouraged the girls to ask Dad to have a seat and work on his hair. This was the result.